Finding Home, Robin’s debut novel

The cover of my debut novel is so great I want to introduce you to the artist, Jennifer Lynn. I met Jen through mutual friends online. At the time I was displeased with the cover offerings and felt none represented my story at all. I jokingly said to Jen that I wished she would design a cover for my new book. Imagine my surprise when she said yes and jumped on it!

I was still in the process of correcting some edits in the final manuscript at the time. As a result, there wasn’t a good copy of the book ready for her to read. She was okay with that and suggested we Skype and talk about it. I gave her a brief description of the book without suggesting anything particular. The cover you see above perfectly fits the book. In addition, her painting reminds me of my Grandma Poplin’s home, but in a mirror image. Jen knew nothing about this. Her intuitive sense of design and color made this book a work of art.

Jennifer Lynn, or Chef as her friends call her because of her extensive culinary skill, is an award-winning artist and illustrator for 40 years. She studied fine art at Wilfred Laurier University in Ontario Canada where she studied under 3 different artists in residence including the great Canadian Artist Michal Manson whom she studied under for 7 years. She then travelled extensively and developed key elements from many artists around the world. Today she has returned to Canada and has re-established her work in Ontario. She is also a member of Federation of Canadian Artists.

Twitter: @chefjencanada
Instagram: chefjencan


I am pleased to say that my debut novel is available now online. Released October 19th and 20th, the book is available now online at my Author’s page on Amazon. The book will also be available at your local bookstore. My hope is that you will first put in an order at your local bookstore because we want those warm cozy places to stay alive!

City Lights Bookstore in Sylva, NC will be carrying autographed copies of my book after November 18th.  Local bookstores are wonderful because in addition to having cozy places to check out the books, there are usually neat people there to talk about books. On the 18th, I will be at the bookstore to talk about the book and how it was a collaborative work with the artist Jennifer Lynn.