Contact Robin


This is Robin asking you to contact me.  Tell me of your life, your thoughts, your beliefs. You are important to me as a reader and as a person.

I love hearing from people and I hope to hear from you. I am a person who does two things. First, I always check my email and respond to personal emails as soon as I can.

Secondly, I write old-fashioned letters. Now, that doesn’t mean that I can write everyone a handwritten letter. It does, however, mean that I believe in the value of personal correspondence. I would love to see how many letters I can write if you want to be on a mailing list. That might mean filling out the form below.

There is beauty in making physical contact with another person. However, due to my disabilities, I cannot often travel to your area. Letters can travel anywhere even when I am stuck at home. It is still my hope that I get to meet you and your friends in person one day. To make that happen, let me know of your favorite place to go to book talks, indie bookstores or coffee shops that allow such events.

Thanks for visiting my website!


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